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Very excited to be bringing you this update on iTunes for iOS 7! iTunes for the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch as been virtually unchanged since 2007 (2010 for the iPad). Later this fall well get to see some awesome additions (iTunes Radio), and some great new graphics that will become part of the new iTunes. Today, I have the pleasure of showing off some screen captures of all this for you!
Hopefully by now, you are well acquainted with iTunes and what a great music library, and music player that it is. Coming soon, with the addition of iTunes Radio, you’ll have much more freedom to listen to the music you want to, create new stations with just the artists you love, or expand your musical horizons and branch out to exciting new artists that you perhaps are not yet familiar with!
The screen capture below is what your iTunes radio screen might look like. You’ll notice along the top there are Featured Stations (Top artists, along with top music types). Below that you’ll see My Stations. This is where you create your own iTunes Stations, based solely on the music you love!
Below is what your iPhone will look like when you tap into one of your stations. A song will come up. If you don’t have that song in your library, and you like it, you can click the $1.29 button (not all songs will be 1.29) and then you’ll own the song! You can also create a New Station from that Artists, or a New Station from that song. Finally, iTunes lets you tune the station you are on, by just playing Hits from those artists, or mixing it up by sliding to either Variety or Discovery mode.
When you tap on New station, you get a list of music types as you can see above, with no music category left out!
Here’s a screen capture of iTunes in Lock Mode.
Below is one of my favorite new screens, it’s your album view when you turn your phone horizontal! You scroll (left to right, or right to left), and get all the albums in your iTunes, then if you tap on an album, you’ll get another great new view.
With the Album cover on the left, and the songs displayed on the right. You’ll also notice next to the songs, a cloud with a down arrow. Those are songs in iTunes Match that are not on your phone. I’ve been told, there will be two awesome options from here. You can either stream the song by tapping on it, or if you tap on the cloud, it will download to your phone. I’m still waiting to get confirmation on this, but that’s the story going around! I love the streaming option, something that is a definite plus, and much needed!
My next screen capture is the more tab (bottom right of the screen). From here, you can choose which tab you’d like to see along your iTunes dock. The tabs that are grey are already on the dock. The red tabs can be moved down to the dock if you’d rather have those tabs than the ones iTunes chooses. So if you’d rather have the Songs tab, simply press and drag it to the dock, and one of the tabs currently there will move off the dock.
I'm impressed with the new look and feel to iTunes for iOS 7, it’s a much needed update to what had become an old, tired interface. There’s lots more great stuff to come, I hope you’ve enjoyed this quick look into the new iTunes interface...Until next time!
Best to you and your devices!
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