Apple's iPhone event...Everything you need to know!
Apple introduced 2 new phones today, the iPhone 5C, and 5S. The 5C replaces the 5 in Apple's lineup. It's the first colored iPhone, available in Green, White, Blue, Pink and Yellow. In case you didn't guess it, the C in 5C stands for color...:). It's starting price (with a 2 year contract) is $99 (16GB), and $199 (32GB). It is NOT available in 64GB. The 5S is a new powerhouse! Also available in colors, Slate, Gold and Silver. It's the first phone available with 64bit processing, which means it's really, really fast! The 5S also has an AWESOME new battery! Check out the picture below:
The Camera has also been upgraded. One cool new feature is Slo-Motion video! Another is, the camera gets a larger 8 Megapixel sensor. The most impressive new feature I found, is the fingerprint scanner! It can read your fingerprint from any angle! See below:
You simply touch to unlock your phone!
How about this one...Now you can use your finger print as your AppleID Password! No longer having to type that annoyingly long password in!
So that's a quick and dirty from today's announcement...Enjoy, and if you have any questions, you can submit them here, via comments, or email me at
Until next time, best to you and your devices!!
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