It only took a few years, but Apple is giving iPhone and iPad users a great new (old) tool in iOS 8, handsfree Siri! There is a catch, your device needs to be plugged in, in order for Handsfree to work. First, turn it on. Go into Settings > General > Siri:
Turn the Voice Activation switch to On (or green), and your ready to go! This is awesome for those of us who haven't learned that we shouldn't hold our phones (or use them!) while driving. As long as your iPhone is charging, simply say "Hey Siri" and Siri is ready for your request. I've used it (not in Deerfield because you can't use handheld devices in Deerfield!) and it works famously. I've had it call ("Hey Siri, Call Erika"), I've had it text ("Hey Siri, text Eli"), I've had it check the price of Apple stock ("Hey Siri, what's Apple stock at today"). Now this isn't only for driving. Handsfree Siri works whenever and wherever your iPhone or iPad is plugged in, to a computer, outlet or other charging device. I'm quite pleasantly surprised at how well it's working in the beta software (currently beta version 5).
So if you have to use your iPhone while driving, at least you'll finally be able to do it all hands free!
If you are testing iOS 8, I'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you are not, I'd love to hear your thoughts as well!
More cool iOS 8 features to come soon!
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